Wednesday 10 September 2008

Extend power to admit mentally ill, medical ethicist urges

Doctors in all provinces should be able to admit person to prevent physical or mental deterioration of the patient, a medical ethician told a psychiatric conference in Vancouver on Friday.

At the Canadian Psychiatric Association annual meeting, more than 1,200 delegates ar meeting to discuss fresh research on psychiatric clinical practice and patient care.

Mental health acts in each province and territory differ, said Prof. Alister Browne, ethics stem director at the University of British Columbia's module of medicine.

B.C.'s Mental Health Act has what Browne calls a "broad criteria" that he said should be emulated in other provinces.

"The wide criteria I think is something that rational multitude would want, generally, because it's departure to ready sure that you're non mentally broken and untreated," Browne aforementioned in an interview.

Adult patients deemed competent should besides have the right to refuse treatment, as is the case under the mental wellness act in Ontario and some other provinces.

"If you acknowledge the treatment may do some good, just you do not think the medications that they have in their arsenal to help you are going to do the trick, then it seems to me that you can weigh the pros and the cons, and make a decision as to whether you'd wish to have treatment," said Browne.

A patient's family should be the ones to authorize treatment to help protect the privacy of people wHO need avail, added Browne.

During the league, the Canadian Psychiatric Association is launch a political campaign to press psychiatrists to become part of the solution in the fight against the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness. The conference runs through Sept. 7.

Last month, a report card presented at Canadian Medical Association's meeting shone a harsh and unflattering calorie-free on the attitudes Canadians have to mental health.

Michael Kirby, chair of the Mental Health Commission of Canada exhorted Canada's doctors to show their committal to tackling myths and stereotypes well-nigh mental sickness head on.

More info

Thursday 21 August 2008

Elisabeth Shue on �Hamlet 2,� Making Out With Old Co-Stars

This week's issue of the magazine features a Q&A with Oscar nominee and eighties stalwart Elisabeth Shue, who plays herself in the comedy Hamlet 2, out this Friday. As usual, the confines of print journalism left choice tidbits on the cutting-room floor: Elisabeth's love of make-out scenes, her first commercial, and even an impromptu rendition of "Babysittin' Blues."

With this meta-convention of playing yourself onscreen, you must have asked "How do other people perceive me?" � right?


Why not?

I don't know. I guess I'm not smart enough. [Laughs.] Maybe that's my downfall. I don't really care what people think of me, to be honest. Maybe if I cared more, I could create a persona and be more successful.

In the film, "Elisabeth Shue" says that what she misses most about being an actress is making out with her cute co-stars � and that, as a nurse, she can't make out with her patients.

That was definitely my contribution to the script.

Oh yeah? How'd you come up with that?

It was the accuracy. I persuasion long and hard about it. That was great that Andy [the director] let me make it my own that way.

Did you do drama gild like the kids in the film?

I didn't. I was terrified of acting in front of people. I auditioned for You're a Good Man Charlie Brown in seventh grade. I got up onstage and panax quinquefolius Cat Stevens's "I'm Being Followed by a Moonshadow" very quietly. I clapped and american ginseng. [whisper-singing] "I'm being followed by a moooonshadow �" I don't think anyone could try me. I was non cast. Not even in the chorus. That was one of the to the highest degree humiliating experiences. And I remember that very vividly. Even when I [transferred] to Harvard, I did not audition for anything. I wasn't even comfy there playacting. I had The Karate Kid and a few films at that time, but I didn't induce the authority to invest myself out there.

Were you ever recognised on campus?

Not really. Everyone there had a pretty healthy self-importance. I don't think they were selfsame impressed.

There's a hilarious aspect in the film where Steve Coogan's failed-actor fictional character performs in a herpes commercial. You got your start as a adolescent doing commercials, right?

Me and Lea Thompson did commercials together. We were the Burger King Girls. I was a gymnast and remember flipping on the bars for Chewells gum. Remember Chewells?

The gum with the goop inside?

Exactly! Why don't they have that anymore? That was one of my first lines in a commercial: "Chewells taste better!" after flipping off the bars.

You were a private-enterprise gymnast in your teens. Which earthly concern is more cutthroat: gymnastics or Hollywood?

Hollywood. What I like around sports is that you have a control over your talent, complete and utter control condition over your performance. If you work on really, really hard, day after day, you will get punter, you will see the results of your hard work. What's hard about being an actress is that, no matter how hard you work, there is so much you can't control.

What would you do if I asked you to sing "Babysittin' Blues" for me?

I would sing for you, of course.

Really?! Please do.

Well, I don't know. I canful sing the beginning. Hi, I'm Chris Parker � [bluesy strum] na na na na na � That's all I hump. Oh hold off: "I've got the babysittin' blues. Baby baby!" That was genuinely great. Every once in a piece, when you're an actress, you get to have these phantasmagorical moments that you realise in veridical life you'd never get to have. That was one of my ultimate fantasies and experiences � for deuce days � having to sing that [in a blues nine]. And every single time having so much fun.

Related: To Be or Not to Be: Elisabeth Shue [NYM]

More info

Monday 11 August 2008

Medical Management And Surgical Management Of Peyronie's Disease

� Peyronie's disease is a scarring phenomenon poignant the tunica albuginea of the phallus. Scar tissue paper forms "plaques" that can buoy result in pain with erection, penial deviation, penial shortening, indenture, and/or erectile dysfunction. It is associated with difficulty with sexual intercourse and as such it is associated with loss of self-esteem and depression on the role of the patient and often on the region of the patient's partner. There are no approved medical therapies for the treatment of Peyronie's disease. Surgical discourse of Peyronie's disease must be highly individualized, and various surgeons all have their "best way" of dealing with the trouble.

Peyronie's disease was described by Francois de la Peyronie in 1743. Fallopius in 1561 probably described the entity that bares Peyronie's name. Peyronie's disease is incurable, patients require reassurance, they may benefit from medical therapy, and fortunately few require surgery. As mentioned, the scar tissue impedes the expansion of the corpora cavernosa.

Peyronie's disease has been associated with some medications. Beta blockers have been implicated, however, subsequent studies have non verified that relationship, and if in that respect is a relationship to beta blockers, it is probably via erectile disfunction, and not cause and effect of the beta blocker itself. The association with phenytoin has ne'er been founded and is probably non real. A very nice study by Lyles from the University of North Carolina has associated Peyronie's disease with patients world Health Organization have Padgett's disease of the osseous tissue. Diabetes mellitus has been implicated, and it is probably again via erectile dysfunction. About 40% of patients with Peyronie's disease will read evidence of Dupuytren's disease, albeit many will be non-contractile. A lesser part will show evidence of Ledderhose's disease, and a very little number will have tympanosclerosis.

Peyronie's disease is a disease of patients betwixt 45 and 65 age with a mean onset of 53 years old. The asymptomatic prevalence has been estimated to be as heights as 20-25%. The old age of bloom incidence of Peyronie's disease as it turns out are besides the geezerhood during which the body begins to age, tissues lose elasticity, and hands note the onset of erectile dysfunction.

The flow theory with regards to the aetiology of Peyronie's disease involves trauma to the insertion of the septal fibers. The back appears to be peculiarly vulnerable. To this day of the month, there is no firm association to HLA subtypes, autoimmune disease, but Peyronie's disease is certainly a disease of hyperactive wound healing.

The scar tissue paper is composed of dense collagen with decreased elastin. Patients can buoy demonstrate dystrophic calcification and in some cases cartilaginous metaplasia. TGF�1 has been implicated as a part of the process involving the aetiology of Peyronie's disease. Other gross factors are as well expressed, those being platelet derived growth factors A and B. TGFb1 has been concerned with former soft tissue fibrosis. It is concerned in ED. TGF�1 increases the synthesis of fibroblasts; and in short, it causes increased connective tissue paper as it governs the scarring litigate. It inhibits collagenase, and because of the singular anatomy of the insertion of the septal fibers, may be involved in a march of self-induction. All agree that Peyronie's disease is a disease of two phases, an active or immature phase and a mature or quiescent phase. What the practitioner does for Peyronie's disease is in many cases stage specific.

The physician visual perception a affected role with Peyronie's disease cannot underestimate the psychological shock on the patient and on his partner. With regards to medical management, the place of vitamin E, potaba, Colchicine, Tamoxifen, Carnitine, Pentoxifylline, and PDE5 inhibitors testament be discussed. Where there are pertinent randomized controlled trials, those will be reviewed. It is clear that tight well-designed controlled studies have in the past not been uniformly done. They are required, and we are in an earned run average where that deficiency is being addressed. Intralesional injectant will be addressed as will the randomized controlled trials associated with that. The station of topical therapy will be addressed, along with innovative legal transfer mechanisms such as iontophersis and electromotive therapy. The literature will be reviewed with regards to lithotripsy, and the place of combined medical therapy alike reviewed.

A patient becomes a surgical candidate when he has stable and quiescent disease and that usually is a time that is greater than a year from onslaught of symptoms. The misshapenness should be stable for at least 3-6 months. The patient should be erectile pain sensation free. These patients expect detailed judgment of their erectile subprogram, and it is imperative that a true informed consent be conducted with the patient. Surgical management options admit the flexure or corporoplasty techniques. I will revue my techniques for these procedures. The place of excision or incision with grafting will be demonstrated and reviewed and the place of prosthetic placement likewise will be reviewed. As mentioned, surgery for Peyronie's disease must be highly personalised, and in most cases, lecturers focal point on those procedures that they take had the best success with.

Presented by: Gerald H. Jordan, MD, FACS, FAAP, at the Masters in Urology Meeting - July 31, 2008 - August 2, 2008, Elbow Beach Resort, Bermuda

UroToday - the only urology site with original content scripted by globular urology key opinion leaders actively engaged in clinical practice.

To access code the up-to-the-minute urology news releases from UroToday, go to:

Copyright � 2008 - UroToday

View drug information on Pentoxifylline.

More info

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Paradox and Seba

Paradox and Seba   
Artist: Paradox and Seba

Drum & Bass


Freak (FREAK014)   
 Freak (FREAK014)

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 2


Thursday 19 June 2008

Crime Mob

Crime Mob   
Artist: Crime Mob

Rap: Hip-Hop


Hated on Mostly   
 Hated on Mostly

   Year: 2007   
Tracks: 13

Crime Mob   
 Crime Mob

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 12

After sending their homeboy Lil Scrappy up the charts, the Atlanta-based label/management team Crunk Incorporated turned to the six-member Crime Mob for their side by side large hit. The yobbo, party crunk of the group (rappers Diamond, Killa C, Cyco Blac, Princess, Jock aka M.I.G., and Lil Jay) caught on quick, and the single "Knuck If You Buck" plant achiever on urban wireless during the summer of 2004. Their self-titled debut hit the shelves in August the same class and went to #5 on Billboards R&B/Hip-Hop album charts. In late 2006 the group returned with the unmarried "Rock'n'roll Yo Hips," setting the stage for their second record album, Despised on Mostly, which was released the following year afterwards considerable detain. The album's tone ending had been complicated by personal sturm und Drang inside the group.

Lil Wayne pops back to top of Hot 100

Wednesday 11 June 2008

Hurray! Reports First Quarter 2008 Unaudited Financial Results

BEIJING, May 22 /Xinhua-PRNewswire/ -- Hurray! Holding Co., Ltd.
(Nasdaq: HRAY), a leader in artist development, music production and
wireless music distribution and other wireless value-added services in
China, today announced its unaudited financial results for the first
quarter ended March 31, 2008.

(Logo: )


Highlights for First Quarter 2008
-- Total revenues: $13.2 million, representing a decline of 16.7%
quarter-over-quarter and 19.5% year-over-year; below our previous
guidance of $13.5-14.5 million
-- Wireless value-added services ("WVAS") revenues: $11.0 million,
representing a slight increase quarter-over-quarter and a decline of
26.3% year-over-year
-- Recorded music revenues, which are from our record label businesses:
$2.2 million, representing a decline of 54.1% quarter-over-quarter and
growth of 47.9% year-over-year
-- Net income: $4.9 million
-- Adjusted EBITDA (a non-GAAP measure which is defined as income from
continuing operations before interest, tax, depreciation,
amortization, stock-based compensation, provisions for impairment of
goodwill and other intangible assets and gain on reduction of
acquisition payable): $1.3 million
-- Diluted earnings per ADS: $0.22
Commenting on the first quarter results, QD Wang, Chairman and CEO of
Hurray! stated: "We missed our guidance for Q1 primarily due to the
performance of our music business which was impacted by the cancellation of
certain planned as well as anticipated concerts in preparation for the
Beijing Olympics. However, our WVAS business stabilized and margins
improved partly as a result of seasonal factors as well as improved
operating efficiency. We further streamlined our organization structure to
reduce our costs in an effort to get back on the path to profitability. We
enjoy a strong cash position, which provides us with the financial
resources to execute our strategy to become a leading entertainment content
production and distribution house in China. "


Total revenues for the first quarter ended March 31, 2008 were $13.2
million, representing declines of 16.7% from $15.9 million for the
preceding quarter, and 19.5% from $16.5 million for the first quarter in

Total wireless value-added services revenues were $11.0 million for the
first quarter of 2008, representing a slight increase as compared to $11.0
million in the previous quarter and declines of 26.3% as compared to $14.9
million in the first quarter of 2007. Our short messaging services ("SMS")
benefited from favorable seasonality with a number of holidays falling
within this quarter, principally Chinese New Year offsetting declines in
our interactive voice response business ("IVR ").

Recorded music revenues, which represent revenues of our controlled
music companies Freeland Music, Huayi Brothers Music and Hurray! Secular
Bird, were $2.2 million, representing a decline of 54.1% as compared to
$4.9 million in the previous quarter and growth of 47.9% as compared to
$1.5 million in the first quarter of 2007. Typically, the first quarter
represents a seasonally low period in the music business and our activity
was further reduced by the impact of event cancellations related to
planning for the Olympics, which will be held in August. We now believe
this situation will continue through the Olympics increasing uncertainty
over the next few months.

Total gross margin was 36.5% for the first quarter of 2008 as compared
to 28.5% for the previous quarter and 32.8% for the first quarter of 2007.

Gross margin for wireless value-added services was 35.0% for the first
quarter of 2008, as compared to 26.9% in the previous quarter and 30.9% for
the first quarter of 2007. Margins improved as we have higher margins in
our SMS services compared to IVR.

Recorded music gross margin was 43.8% for the first quarter of 2008 as
compared to 32.0% in the previous quarter and 51.0% for the first quarter
of 2007.

Total gross profit was $4.8 million for the first quarter of 2008,
representing growth of 6.9% as compared to $4.5 million for the previous
quarter and a decline of 10.4% as compared to $5.4 million for the first
quarter of 2007.

Total operating expenses were $4.7 million for the first quarter of
2008, representing a sharp decline of 87.4% as compared to $37.1 million
for the previous quarter and growth of 7.3% as compared to $4.4 million for
the first quarter of 2007. The decrease quarter-over-quarter is mainly due
to the $31.1 million of impairment charges for our wireless business in the
previous quarter.

As previously advised in our earnings release on March 6, 2008, we
recorded a gain of $5 million from the agreed reduction of our final
payable to the former shareholders in Shanghai Magma.

Income tax expense was $0.7 million in the first quarter 2008, as
compared to $0.3 million in the first quarter of 2007, and benefit for $0.4
million in the previous quarter.

Net income was $4.9 million for the first quarter of 2008.

Adjusted income (loss) before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization
and stock-based compensation (adjusted EBITDA), was $1.3 million for the
quarter, an increase of 245.7% as compared with $0.9 million loss in the
previous quarter and decline of 33.7% as compared with $1.9 million in the
first quarter of 2007. Reconciliations of net income (loss) under U.S.
generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and adjusted EBITDA are
included at the end of this release.

Fully diluted earnings per ADS was $0.22 based on a weighted average of
21.9 million diluted ADSs for the first quarter of 2008. This figure
compares to a loss per ADS of $1.45 based on a weighted average of 21.7
million diluted ADSs for the previous quarter and earnings per ADS of $0.04
based on a weighted average of 21.8 million diluted ADSs for the first
quarter of 2007.

As of March 31, 2008, the Company had $67.4 million in cash and cash
equivalents. In the first quarter we improved our cash flows as a result of
improved collections and positive cash flows from operations.


The Company continued to develop and promote our existing and new
artists, as well as producing new music. Through our promotional
activities, Hurray! managed to improve our market recognition. Some
examples of our successes in the first quarter are:

-- Hurray! released a series of new songs, including 5 albums, and
launched successful marketing programs to promote the new releases
simultaneously over Internet and wireless platforms. Subsequently,
"We agreed" ("Wo Men Shuo Hao De") by Jane Zhang was awarded
"Annual Karaoke Hit Champion" in the 15 Year's Exquisite Fashion

-- Hurray! artists, including Jane Zhang, Wenjie Shang, BOBO and
Yu Quan ,received awards for their outstanding performances at various
prestigious music award ceremonies in Asia, including the 15 Year's
Exquisite Fashion Gala, Beijing Pop Music Award, and Second Annual
China Mobile M.Music Award.

-- Hurray! Freeland was awarded the 'Annual Best New Media and Music
Production Company' for the company's excellent achievements and
Hurray! Freeland artists, including Jing Han, Peng Jiang, Li Hu and
Zhenyu Zhang, also received various awards at the Xinghai Music
Award - Pop Music Annual Award Ceremony in Guangdong province.
Recently, the company signed up Hongjie Ni, a well-known artist from
the popular sitcom 'The Legend of Martial Art' ("Wu Lin Wai Zhuan").

-- Concerts were successfully held in Beijing for Huayi Brothers Music
artists, including Wenjie Shang and Yu Quan.
We also launched 4 new titles on China Mobile's game portal, including
"Speed Lullaby", "YY Cat Fatiao City Adventure", "My Missile Career", and
"Night Legend".

Business Outlook

For the second quarter 2008, Hurray! expects its total consolidated
revenues to be between $13 and $14 million.

Closing of sale of software and systems integration business

In April, 2008, the final regulatory approvals were received and the
sale of this business segment to one of its primary institutional share
holders, TWM Holding Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of Taiwan Mobile,
was completed. The definitive agreements to sell software and systems
integration business unit were signed on October 8, 2007. A payment of $4.3
million was received on closing. Further amounts are receivable in
accordance with the sales agreement contingent on collection of accounts
receivable and subsequent performance of the business.

Late adjustments for wireless value-added services revenue from China

At the time of the release of our preliminary results for 2007 and the
fourth quarter of 2007, the Company included estimates of gross revenue and
operator's cost from China Unicom in respect of the fourth quarter of 2007
based on information available at that time and our historical experience.
Subsequently, the final amounts provided by China Unicom for that quarter
differed from the amounts estimated and the Company has incorporated these
amounts into the Company's 2007 annual report. The effect is to reduce WVAS
revenues by $854,000 and cost of WVAS revenues by $511,000 which reduced
gross profit by $343,000 and increased net loss for the year ended December
31, 2007 by $251,000. These adjustments have been reflected in the fourth
quarter of 2007 results shown on this release.

Conference Call

The Company will host a conference call to discuss the first quarter
results at

Time: 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on May 22, 2008
or 9:00 am Beijing/Hong Kong Time on May 23, 2008

The dial-in number: +1-866-543-6408 (US)
+1-617-213-8899 (International)
Password: 83885644

A replay of the call will be available from May 23, 2008 until May 30,
2008 as follows:
+1-888-286-8010 (US)
+1-617-801-6888 (International)
PIN number: 38334475
Additionally, a live and archived web cast of this call will be
available at: or .

About Hurray! Holding Co., Ltd.

Hurray! is a leader in artist development, music production and offline
distribution in China through its record labels Huayi Brothers Music,
Freeland Music, New Run Entertainment, and Secular Bird. The Company,
through (Fly Songs), also organizes concerts and other music events in

Hurray! is also a leading online distributor of music and music-related
products such as ringtones, ringbacktones, and truetones to mobile users in
China through the full range of wireless value-added services platforms
over mobile networks and through the internet.

The Company also provides a wide range of other wireless value-added
services to mobile users in China, including games, pictures and animation,
community, and other media and entertainment services.

Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains statements of a forward-looking nature.
These statements are made under the "safe harbor" provisions of the U.S.
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. You can identify these
forward- looking statements by terminology such as "will," "expects,"
"believes" and similar statements. The accuracy of these statements may be
impacted by a number of business risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those projected or anticipated,
including risks related to: continued competitive pressures in China's
wireless value-added services market; changes in technology and consumer
demand in this market; the risk that Hurray! may not be able to control its
expenses in future periods; Hurray!'s ability to succeed in the music
development, production and distribution business, with which it has only
limited experience; changes in the policies of the mobile operators in
China or the laws governing wireless value-added services; the state of
Hurray!'s relationships with China's mobile operators and the risk that
Hurray! may be subject to further sanctions and penalties from them in
future periods; and other risks outlined in Hurray!'s filings with the
Securities and Exchange Commission, including its registration statement on
Form F-1, as amended. Hurray! does not undertake any obligation to update
this forward-looking information, except as required under applicable law.

Hurray! Holding Co., Ltd.
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets

As of March As of December
31, 2008 31, 2007(1)
(in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents $67,377 $65,979
Accounts receivable 13,304 14,691
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 3,383 3,119
Amount due from related parties 695 464
Current deferred tax assets 146 748
Inventories 276 293
Receivable on disposal of subsidiary 4,151 4,151
Total current assets 89,332 89,445

Deposits and other non-current assets 845 849
Property and equipment, net 1,476 1,636
Acquired intangible assets, net 4,949 4,971
Investment in equity affiliate 2,444 2,421
Goodwill 5,586 5,621
Non-current deferred tax assets 601 650
Total assets $105,233 $105,593

Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable $2,831 $3,575
Acquisitions payable 1,189 7,102
Accrued expenses and other current liabilities 2,947 2,906
Amount due to related parties 211 256
Income tax payable 278 211
Current deferred tax liabilities 464 417
Total current liabilities 7,920 14,467

Long term payable 28 32
Non-current deferred tax liabilities 580 845
Total liabilities 8,528 15,344

Minority interests 4,855 4,667

Shareholders' equity:
Ordinary shares 109 109
Additional paid-in capital 74,259 74,067
Retained earnings 8,654 3,752
Accumulated other comprehensive income 8,828 7,654
Total shareholders' equity 91,850 85,582
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity $105,233 $105,593

(1) December 31, 2007 balances were extracted from audited financial

Hurray! Holding Co., Ltd.
Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations

For the three months ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2008 2007 2007
(in thousands of U.S. dollars, except share
and per share data)
Wireless value-added services $11,000 $10,998 $14,935
Recorded music 2,245 4,894 1,518
Total revenues 13,245 15,892 16,453

Cost of revenues:
Wireless value-added services 7,148 8,043 10,313
Recorded music 1,261 3,326 744
Total cost of revenues 8,409 11,369 11,057

Gross profit 4,836 4,523 5,396

Operating expenses:
Product development 390 459 548
Selling and marketing 2,401 3,410 2,436
General and administrative 1,887 4,077 1,377
Provision for goodwill impairment -- 29,165 --
Total operating expenses 4,678 37,111 4,361

Income (loss) from operations 158 (32,588) 1,035

Other income 73 290 --
Interest expense -- (45) (45)
Interest income 354 545 612
Gain on reduction of acquisition
payable 5,000 -- --
Income (loss) before provision
for income taxes, loss from
equity investment and minority
interests 5,585 (31,798) 1,602

Income tax expense (benefit) 709 (378) 261
Net income (loss) before
earnings from equity investment
and minority interests 4,876 (31,420) 1,341

Equity in earnings of
affiliate, net of tax 26 (14) --
Minority interests -- (291) (115)
Income (loss) from continuing
operations 4,902 (31,725) 1,226
Discontinued operations:
Loss from discontinued
operations, net of tax -- -- (270)
Gain on sale of subsidiary,
net of tax -- 159 --
Net income (loss) $4,902 $(31,566) $956

Net income (loss) per
Income (loss) from
continuing operations $0.00 $(0.01) $0.00
Gain (loss) from
discontinued operations -- $0.00 $(0.00)
Net income (loss) $0.00 $(0.01) $0.00

Net income (loss) per
Income (loss) from
continuing operations $0.23 $(1.46) $0.05
Gain (loss) from
discontinued operations -- $0.01 $(0.01)
Net income (loss) $0.23 $(1.45) $0.04

Net income (loss) per
Income (loss) from
continuing operations $0.00 $(0.01) $0.00
Gain (loss) from
discontinued operations -- $0.00 $(0.00)
Net income (loss) $0.00 $(0.01) $0.00

Net income (loss) per
Income (loss) from
continuing operations $0.22 $(1.46) $0.05
Gain (loss) from
discontinued operations -- $0.01 $(0.01)
Net (loss) income $0.22 $(1.45) $0.04

Weighted average shares used
in calculating basic

Earnings (loss) per share 2,178,147,264 2,173,784,440 2,167,890,217
Weighted average ADSs used
in calculating basic
Earnings (loss) per ADS 21,781,473 21,737,844 21,678,902

Weighted average shares used
in calculating diluted
Earnings (loss) per share 2,188,284,394 2,173,784,440 2,177,185,265
Weighted average ADSs used
in calculating diluted
Earnings (loss) per ADS 21,882,844 21,737,844 21,771,853

The use of non-GAAP financial measures:

To supplement its consolidated financial statements presented in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") in the
United States, Hurray! uses non-GAAP measures of operating results and net
income, including in this press release earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization including provisions for impairment, and
before stock-based compensation expense ("adjusted EBITDA"), which are
adjusted from results based on GAAP to exclude certain expenses. Hurray!'s
management believes the use of these non-GAAP financial measures provides
useful information to both management and investors by excluding certain
expenses that are not related to the company's operations. These non-GAAP
financial measures also facilitate management's internal comparisons to
Hurray!'s historical performance and our competitors' operating results.
Hurray! believes these non-GAAP financial measures are useful to investors
in allowing for greater transparency with respect to supplemental
information used by management in its financial and operational decision
making. The presentation of this additional financial information is not
intended to be considered in isolation or as a substitute for the financial
information prepared and presented in accordance with GAAP. Please see
below financial table for a reconciliation of adjusted EBITDA.

Reconciliation of net (loss) income from continuing operations under GAAP to
adjusted EBITDA for the following periods:

For the three months ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2008 2007 2007
(in thousands of U.S. dollars,
except share
and per share data)
Income(loss) from continuing operations $4,902 $(31,725) $1,226
Add (deduct):
Interest expense -- 45 45
Income tax (credit) expense 709 (378) 261
Depreciation and amortization 807 821 804
Non-cash stock compensation credit
(expense) 191 (149) 167
Provisions for impairment of goodwill
and other intangible assets -- 31,070 --
Gain on reduction of acquisition
payable (5,000) -- --
Interest income (354) (545) (612)
Adjusted EBITDA $1,255 $(861) $1,891

For more information, please contact:

Christina Low F.S.
Investor Relations Officer
Tel: +86-10-84555566 x5532

See Also

Thursday 5 June 2008

Neil Diamond - Diamond Pondered Showbusiness Name-change

Legendary crooner NEIL DIAMOND considered adopting a moniker when he first hit the music scene - because he didn't think his given name was glamorous enough for a career in showbusiness.

The Sweet Caroline singer was disillusioned with his sparkling surname, and was desperate to change it before his debut LP The Feel Of Neil Diamond hit record stores in 1966.

But the star decided against the move because snubbing the family name would break his grandmother's heart.

He explains, "(Neil Diamond is) my honest-to-goodness name. I'd become so bored with it by the time I was making my first record that I decided to change it.

"You wanna have something with a little pizzazz to it. So I came up with two names that I thought might help me catch on in showbiz and the first was Eice Charry, the other was Noah Kaminsky.

"Ultimately, I stuck with my name because my grandmother was anxiously awaiting the arrival of my new record, and I couldn't think of a way to explain to her why it was a different person's name on the record.

"(So) I spoke to the president of the record company and said, 'We'll keep Neil Diamond and just pray that it lasts for a while.'"

See Also