Tuesday 20 May 2008

Kiefer Sutherland is released from jail

Kiefer Sutherland is released from jail

Histrion Kiefer Joan Sutherland has been released from jail after portion wholly of his 48-day sentence.
According to People magazine, a jail voice confirmed that the 41-year-old wizard left hand prison house at about 12.05am this morning.
The role player spent Dec 25 Daylight, Freshly Year's Day and his natal day behind parallel bars. He was helping a sentence imposed for drive piece under the influence and violating the terms of his probation.
Prison interpreter John Balian antecedently said: "End-to-end his stay, he never griped, ne'er complained. He ne'er wanted preferential treatment from the get go, and we deference him for that."

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